Health is fun and important ;)
Braces are not just restricted to children! The adults themselves also sometimes need to find well-aligned teeth. It is never too late to correct a defect of dentition.

Orthodontics generally cater to children but not only. Adult placement of braces can also give good results. Usually wearing a dental appliance in adults occurs when the teeth are misaligned. Devices in this case are discrete limit unsightly effect.
A technique discreet

The braces for adults differs from that of the child's discretion. Rings placed on the teeth are transparent ceramic, almost invisible. They are not prone to yellowing over time. The son holding the rings are mostly made of metal but the whole does not detract from the smile. The additional cost for this cutting-edge technology is acceptable since such dentures costs just over 150 € more than a device while steel!

More recently, with the appearance of lingual orthodontics, discretion is even more evident since the device is not arranged on the outer surface of the teeth, but inside. This new technology if it is a champion of discretion, however, one major drawback: its price is five times more expensive than conventional equipment.
A spectacular recovery

Orthodontic techniques are mainly used in adults to straighten misaligned teeth. As child, wearing a dental appliance in adults can rectify the situation when the teeth overlap or are too advanced. If the purpose of this technique is mostly aesthetic, the fact remains that the harmony of the teeth is also important for health. Misaligned teeth expose adults to poor mastication. Moreover, the spaces inaccessible to the toothbrush can be a real nest of infection due to the accumulation of plaque in particular.
Overall, in adults, the decision to set up an orthodontic program stems from an aesthetic concern but also medical. For young adults, aesthetics is often the first argument. More patients are getting older, more medical concerns are critical. And after 40 to 45 years, the aging of bone support of teeth may result in "secondary migration" favoring the occurrence of periodontal diseases responsible for tooth loss.
An expensive treatment

Orthodontic treatment lasts at least 2 years. Knowing that the costs associated with those treatments are not covered by social security after 16 years, the cost of treatment is chilling! Indeed, it takes between 900 and 1500 € per quarter budget! Some mutual under certain conditions partially reimburse such care when the medical condition of the teeth can be improved. Besides the significant cost, braces for adults also has the disadvantage of being difficult to be bear in life everyday. Adaptation is sometimes long! The speech and feeding may be particularly disturbed.